Wednesday, September 21, 2011

台風が来た!/ A typhoon came!

After living in Japan for two years, I'm used to typhoon season come and go, but damn, what the heck happened yesterday!!! I've never seen sooooo much rain fall in my life. I came to work nearly drenched; it was awful. I felt so sorry for the kids though. Many of them walked to school! Honestly, school should have been closed. Today is a lot better... except for the wind.

This is what the school ground at the JHS I worked at today looked like.
It seriously looks like a pond.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

First entry!

Hello, folks! So, I finally decided to start up a blog of my life in Japan. I've been living here since August 2009 and work as an English Teacher. It's been a wonderful experience. I have met fantastic people, travelled immensely in this country and neighboring ones and eaten such amazingly good food!!

Until my next entry, I'll leave you with pictures from one of my junior high school's sports festival that occurred a week ago. Sport festivals (or Undoukai in Japanese) is an annual event that takes place at all elementary, junior and high schools. The entire school body (including the teachers) is divided into two teams: red team and white team (aka dan and shiro dan). They compete against each other in various sports events (like relays). I had so much fun with the students and they also enjoyed my company. :D

The 1st year girls on the red team.